A NSW Government website



CASPER is the Centralised Analysis System for Performance of Energy and Resources. It enables NSW Government agencies to track and manage their resource report progress on the Government Resource Efficiency Policy (GREP).

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Important news


2020 GREP Reports are in, with 100% mandatory reporting achieved. All reports (except one) are publicly available on “Public Reports” at www.environment.nsw.gov.au/casper/home/publicreports

2020 Expense, consumption and efficiency project data is in, it’s also publicly available in an easy dashboard format on “Public Dashboards” at www.environment.nsw.gov.au/casper/dashboards

Agencies are reminded to review the data once again, to ensure there are no misrepresentations, extra or missing data (the reports are final, but the data can be modified on a rolling basis).

One on one engagements may occur during this period if there are figures seen as outliers.


The Whole of Government report is published, including modelled waste figures for all clusters and a critical confirmation that Government is decoupling utility consumption from growth (i.e. since 2016 we can see decreases in consumption while there are increases in employee numbers, State GDP and Government budgets).

CASPER will undergo a data cleansing project, to reduce issues such as site and address duplications and misallocated sites.


First batch of the new C9698 Waste Contract data, creating an ongoing reporting mechanism for waste cost, weight and waste streams.

Agencies that do not yet have a Net Zero plan, will be engaged to use a Net Zero Planning Pathways tool that can offer an agency-wide analysis into best technology by costing and returns, but can facilitate Sustainable Government’s involvement in your agency’s future efforts towards Net Zero, through planning, resourcing and even funding.

Contact us

To ensure CASPER meets your needs now and into the future, it operates on the basis of continuous improvement. We welcome your feedback on content, accessibility, process, or any other area.